Monday, June 23, 2008


House of Mount Everest is a small shop that specializes in clothing and gifts imported from Nepal and India.

It is a small store located by the NewGate mall in Ogden (36w Wall St). House of Mount Everest is stocked with embroidered hoodies and hand painted tanks and much more treats.

My favorite thing about stores like this is the use of hemp, bamboo etc.. in fabrics. Embellishments should be more than just a printed logo. I suggest adding pieces like the ones you can find at Mount Everest, Dancing Cranes, Ten thousand villages, DI! etc... to your wardrobe to diversify your style. Every time I get dress I try to represent more than one culture, lifestyle, genre, because I think fashion is funner that way.


1 comment:

Yvette said...

Love your blog here. I've enjoyed reading a few of your posts, and will be back for more.