Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jugastes Con mi Vida, mi Carinio

Last week SLCpomp traveled to Orem to view this years Banff Film Festival, which shows all sorts of tough outdoors films. My initial goal was to catch some daily use of outdoor wear. Instead I found a different treat:

Hilary and Pak are both students at UVSC (Is it UVU yet?)

Hilary is an Orem native, and a fine arts major. She says she doesn't think too much about clothes or style — it just happens. In this photo, she is wearing a flannel gray shirt pair with a read pencil skirt. Hilary raises her score by wearing floral print tights and brown flats. Her hair is in a graceful up-do. She has a very classic soft look that are brought to light by her fair skin, hair and tights. But the outfit packs a double whammy with the typically tough plaid. Soft and Hard.

Pak is originally from Japan and is unsure of what he wants to study. He is studying physical ducation, I think he would be the COOLEST gym teacher ever! His outfit is very dark; the brightest point is the white on his hoodie. His shoes ae practical but are cute in brown suede. For the spring, Pak is looking for t-shirts that have graphics of flowers on them.



T.I.N & M.E.T.

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