Monday, January 14, 2008

You'd better get to livin'.


We've admitted that we're a little elitist sometimes, so it should come as no surprise to our readers that both of SLC pomp's writers turned up their noses when Urban Outfitters came to Salt Lake last year. I must confess that I was enamored with the store after spending some time in Seattle during high school, but as my taste matured, Urban Outfitters began to carry a bitterness similar to red food coloring. I knew I was too good for Urban Outfitters. All their clothes were overpriced or poorly made, and even if I did find something I wanted, I could be fairly certain that it would show up at Nordstrom Rack 3 months later.

But writing about street fashion has a way of humbling me. When we asked our dear friend Nicole, where she got her beautiful magenta scarf and purple shirt, she told us that it was from the store where you can buy hipness. I won't be shopping there for myself anytime soon, but I do like what she's done with it. She even chose an Italian soda to match:



SLC pomp

T.I.N. & M.E.T.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself.