Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I know, I know, I look better in Real Life.

These two girls were catching a train heading South. Although High School was such a long time ago and I never had any school spirit, I feel some sort of camaraderie with these girls since we went/go to the same school. Maybe in another life we could have been one another? I would wear fitted jeans (pants in general) and vans shoes. Perhaps back then I would live by the fashion principles that clothes have to be suitable to skate in. Loose enough, tight enough, warm enough, cool enough. In both their outfits I enjoy the little spots of color. Kerri has purple patterned gloves which are really adorable as well as effective in the wind. Jenny on the other hand has a very classic studded belt peeking out of her coat worn w the buckle to the side.

T.I.N & M.E.T.

P.S. Somethings never go out of style, Heavy Metal Shop hoodie.

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