Monday, December 24, 2007

I remember an old fashioned tree


Orange coats are my favorite this year. We encountered Ali way back on December 3, but she's made her way out of the slc POMP backlog for our Christmas Eve post. She said she got the coat out of a box of clothes that a thrift store was going to throw away. Ali has a great eye - the coat is a gem with round pockets and a good ol' faux fur collar. Normally I don't go for hats with ears, but hers is nice and subtle.

I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas Eve (I'll be spending mine with a big can of Tecate after I come home from my parents' house) and I hope that you'll take pictures of all the amazing clothes you receive and post them to our flickr group.

Feliz navidad,

slc POMP

T.I.N. & M.E.T.

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