It's like this: Frances and I have run out of steam on this project. We're finished for now. Maybe we'll come back to S.L.C. Pomp someday, but not now.
Of course, Frances isn't actually named Frances. Her name is Holly Leopardi. She's trying to graduate from high school a year early. She's applying to art schools, and running around with her City of Salt friends. She's recently aquired a pet cat. She's very grown up even if she acts like a snot sometimes. She looks like this:

Meanwhile, I am exploring Los Angeles. Celeb spotting,etc. I'm studying Russian and English Literature at Occidental College and running around the city doing all sorts of amazing things. I work at the college radio station on the promotions staff [and if you're bored one Friday, you can catch me on my radio show from 3-4 pm pacific, i.e. 4-5 s.l.c. time] and write the occasional freelance article. I spend a good portion of my day on Craigslist looking for an apartment, and I'm considering whether to study abroad in Prague next year.
Oh, yes, and my name is Kit Warchol. I look like this:

So you see, no mystery. We're just kids watching You Tube videos with aspirations of who-knows-what. We send each other facebook messages, and go to Panther shows. And we're beginning to grow up and away from Salt Lake. It's the place I go home to for Christmas, but you can't keep a street fashion blog running just on photos taken in the holiday season.
Holly and I have had some awesome times. We never expected this blog to blow up so fast. We haven't even done this for a year. It was just a project for us, and we liked it because it was fun to meet people around town and find out how their minds worked. But we're leaving on a high note. Maybe you'll see us around some day, and maybe we'll follow this up with something bigger and better. For now, though, we're just hangin' out.
well thanks for letting us know. have fun being grownups... :)
that dude liam below me is looking pretty hot. look at all the sexy fanz youre disappointing, kitandholly!!!!!
its okay. when holly moves out here to we can all join in on a little thing called LA FASHION.
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